The Character Movement

Fun Summer Activities for Your Family

As temperatures rise, it’s tempting to turn up the air conditioning and plop yourself in front of a fan and not do much else. However, summer is a great time to try some fun activities that allow you to spend some quality time with the family. In order to escape the heat, I enjoy spending time on one of our 10,000 lakes here in Minnesota with my wife and eight-year-old daughter. There are so many options for families with young children. Check out the list below for some of my colleague’s favorite ideas.

See a movie at the nearest outdoor drive-in theater. Or, on a rainy day, create your own drive-in movie using boxes to create cars. Don’t forget the popcorn and candy! Check out this website for more ideas on how to create your own drive-in movie theater.

Sidewalk chalk. Encourage your child’s inner Picasso and have them create art on your driveway. Build a little town with connecting roads or have them trace you on the pavement – and vice versa!

Water fight! When it’s hot outside, fill up some water balloons and turn on the sprinkler. Cool down while watching your children splash around in your own backyard.

Scavenger hunt. Set up a scavenger hunt for your kids or have them set one up for you around your house or yard. Make a map to follow and give them hints along the way until they reach the treasure.

Picnic at the park. Pack some sandwiches, chips, crackers and juice and head to your local park for some play and good eating.

Backyard camping. Set up a tent in your backyard, roll out some sleeping bags and grab a deck of cards. Pretend you are deep into the wilderness, braving all the natural elements.

Get crafty! Create a Hawaiian lei out of straws, yarn and colorful paper. Go to this website for more details.

Create your own gardening experiment by germinating bean seeds. Find instructions here.

Instead of going out for ice cream, make your own! Click here for recipes.

Go on a family bike ride to the local beach. Make sure to bring some sand castle tools and sunscreen!

Stay up to date on fun local activities such as concerts, fairs and other special events. Many communities offer “free” events throughout the summer that are perfect for all families.

Develop your children’s inner entrepreneur skills and encourage them to have a lemonade stand or get creative and make a practical craft that they can sell to neighbors.

If one of you works out of home, have a “lunch with mom or dad day.” Drive your kids over to the office with lunch and have mom or dad show them around their office.

Build an indoor fort using blankets or whatever you can find around the house and let your child’s imagination soar.

With technology seeping into children’s lives at such a young age, challenge them to write a letter on paper to a grandparent, relative or friend.

I hope you enjoy the summer and make some memories that your kids will still be talking about when they head back to school in the fall.

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