The Character Movement

The Teachers’ Lounge Podcast with Joe Schmit

The Teachers’ Lounge, Youth Frontiers’ podcast for educators, brings us into a conversation about how we can create school communities where our kids can thrive – not just academically, but socially and emotionally as well. In our eighth episode of The Teachers’ Lounge, we had the privilege of talking with Joe Schmit – sports broadcaster, community leader and speaker about the power of our influence.

Joe Schmit
Episode highlights:

  • Joe’s book: “Silent Impact, Stories of Influence through Purpose, Persistence and Passion” is about how we make our biggest impressions when we’re not trying to be impressive.
  • A story about Joe Mauer and how he used his influence – and the lesson that we can all take from that story.
  • How Joe got into speaking with teachers and students about the power of “silent impact” – and creating “impact resolutions” with your students.
  • How stories have always been a part of Joe’s work, as a broadcaster and now as a speaker. People love stories – they remember them and connect people emotionally.
  • A powerful story about “the second thank you” – coming back around to someone who has influenced you, which can have a powerful impact.
  • Developing a “Mount Rushmore of Influence” for your life. Who would you put up there? (And of course, teachers are often the ones who are highlighted!)
  • Joe’s personal connection to this work. What kind of impact are we having when we are with our kids and what is our responsibility to the people around us?
  • Joe’s educational hero: his own coach from high school and the impact his words had on Joe’s life trajectory.

To hear the full podcast episode, you can listen here or on iTunes.

Joe Schmit is sports broadcaster and speaker to youth on the topic of positive impact and influence. His engaging stories and infectious humor will inspire you to laugh, think and make small changes that will have a huge impact on your life. As a sports broadcaster, he is a winner of 15 Emmys from the National Television Academy, as well as a prestigious National Headliner Award. Joe has interviewed more than 10,000 athletes and covered every major sporting event from the Super Bowl to the World Series. Currently the Sports Director of KSTP-TV, an ABC-affiliate in a top 15 market, Joe is also a regular on 1500ESPN Radio and hosts the Minnesota Twins Post-game Show. Even Hollywood recognizes his award-winning style, garnering his broadcast talent for an appearance in the major motion picture, “Untamed Heart.” Joe also serves in various leadership roles around the Twin Cities community where he has been an active resident for more than 25 years.

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