The Character Movement

Community — It's about all of us

It’s about all of us

At Youth Frontiers, we unabashedly challenge kids to make our world better. And every day, we get to witness students stand up and lead with character — students like Maple Grove seventh grader, Eve Miller.

Eve wanted to bring four Courage Retreats to her school because her class has been grappling with bullying. She worked hard to raise the funds by reaching out to family, friends and community members.

“I believe kindness matters,” Eve said. “I am partnering with Youth Frontiers to bring more kindness, respect and courage to kids my age.”

To help garner enthusiasm for the retreats, Eve got up and spoke before her 600 classmates: “It’s going to be a full day of music, fun activities, inspiring stories, and learning how you as one person can stand up for what is right and make a difference. This retreat won’t be a success without you. We need your courage to get involved, speak up and get out of your comfort zone. This retreat is about us. All of us.

Eve’s efforts are changing the way her classmates see themselves and others. Our Retreat Staff witnessed a shift even during the retreats. “There were so many real and specific acts of courage at each of the four retreats. We had so many students share and encourage their classmates to be kind to each other,” said Lead Retreat Facilitator, Josh Cleveland.

“Bringing these retreats to my school was one small step I could take towards filling our world with kindness,” Eve said.

Eve’s commitment to bringing our Courage Retreats to her school helped make her school better. It helped make our world better. The Maple Grove retreats are just one example of the good that results when a community comes together in support of character.

The work we do every day on retreat is about all of us, and at Youth Frontiers, we are incredibly grateful for our community.

Written by Sarah Gavigan, Youth Frontiers Communications Specialist

Thank you for following The Character Movement. This is our last post for the 2017-18 school year, but we’ll be back in the fall. Have a great summer!

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