The Character Movement

(Happy) Thanksgiving from us at Youth Frontiers

Dear Friends,

We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, knowing full-well that happiness may be far from your heart. On this day, customarily celebrated by the gathering of family, friends and community, we as a nation stand divided in our polarized politics.

However, today we have the opportunity to be united in a state of thanksgiving. We all have something to be grateful for, from the trivial to the monumental. We challenge you to identify that “something” in your life in the next 24 hours and to allow it to fill your heart. We encourage you to be thankful this holiday, because when you are, there isn’t much room for anything else.

If you need some inspiration, our video is here to help. We hope it brings some light and even some levity to your day.

As for us at Youth Frontiers, we are thankful for each other, and for you, our readers and partners in the Character Movement. We want to challenge you – and ourselves – to keep that movement alive by letting gratitude guide your words and actions this holiday season.

All of our best to you,

The YF Team

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