The Character Movement

The Y Corps: Genevieve, Kevin, Maggie, Dahlia and Traiveon

YCorps Spotlight: Dahlia Jones

We are so grateful for our wonderful staff at Youth Frontiers (YF), from our full-time and part-time employees to our YCorps. The Youth Frontiers YCorps (Youth Corps) is a seven-month internship program that gives emerging leaders the opportunity to facilitate, along with our full-time staff, life-changing retreats for schools all over the upper Midwest. The YCorps do a lot to further our mission, so we want to celebrate their skills and stories on our blog in a five-part spotlight Q&A series. Our third YCorps member in the spotlight is Dahlia Jones. 

How did you learn of Youth Frontiers?

Dahlia JonesIn grade school, I participated in a Kindness Retreat and a Courage Retreat. I rediscovered YF as an adult through another YF employee who suggested that I apply.

What’s your favorite part of facilitating retreats?

If I had to choose one thing about this job that is my favorite, I’d probably say that I love the support from the other staff. It’s like I have a second family.

What’s something that surprised you about the job? 

It was pretty interesting not taking on the teacher role with the kids. I come from working at daycares and summer camps, so I’m used to having that sort of relationship while I’m doing youth work. It’s been interesting trying to adjust my mindset.

What is a favorite retreat story of yours?

My favorite moments have been when the kid who is shy and not engaged at the beginning of the day ends up sharing at the end. It’s so beautiful to watch that transformation.

What are you learning at Youth Frontiers that you will take with you after your YCorps commitment ends?

I’m building up my self-confidence! This job is amazing for learning public speaking skills. I’m still in denial that this is a real job because I’m having so much fun, it doesn’t feel like work – it feels like I’m making a difference.

This week’s Character Challenge was about talents. What’s your hidden talent?

I don’t know … I paint!

Thank you, Dahlia, for all that you have contributed to the YF team and for helping us accomplish our mission.

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