The Character Movement

Educator Retreat Participants

Educators Matter

By Patty Beadle, Director of Marketing and School Relations

I want to take a moment to thank you for your dedicated work. You persist when met with feelings of defeat; you encourage your students even when you yourself feel disheartened. I appreciate the influence you have in your students’ lives, and I understand your difficult and noble profession.

I remember being right there – nervous, overwhelmed and yet hopeful – starting as an elementary teacher in Edina, Minn., years ago. I was still forming my identity as an educator and striving to build relationships with my coworkers when I attended a Youth Frontiers Honor Retreat.

That day, surrounded by my colleagues, I felt a newfound sense of belonging in the profession I had chosen, or rather, in the one that had chosen me. I connected with my fellow teachers on a new level, as I saw them outside of the classroom for the wonderful individuals they were. That day inspired and motivated me to move fearlessly into my new role to face every new challenge – internal or outside pressures – with confidence derived from the conviction that education is a high calling. It was my mission.

A large part of our mission at Youth Frontiers is to help schools support educators and create cohesive teams all focused in a common direction: their students. We do this through our educator retreats, conferences and events. We had a wonderful time at our Teacher Concert this past fall, and we look forward to our event on Thursday, May 4, 2017: The Mind Conference.

We know that it takes a special kind of person to devote their life to teaching kids. That’s why when we hire our Educator Retreat Facilitators, we look for individuals with great passion for supporting teachers. I invite you to read about their hearts for their work below.


What do you love about Educator Retreats?

Educator Retreat Facilitator


Jim Becker  

Lead Retreat Facilitator – Educator Retreats

I love hearing about educators’ commitment to kids and to each other. Each school has its own challenges, but they are similar in how obsessively passionate their educators are about improving the situation of their students.


Educator Retreat Facilitator

Jane Leyden

Lead Retreat Facilitator – Educator Retreats

Our retreats are an oasis for educators – a refreshing pit-stop, a place to swap stories, laugh, cry, connect – on a difficult but rewarding journey.


Educator Retreat Facilitator

John Sandahl

Lead Retreat Facilitator – Educator Retreats

Educators are uniquely connected to their hearts and speak from that place to each other. It’s always inspiring to hear what they share on an Educator Retreat. The laughter, smiles and joy that abound as a result are infectious and make the job so worthwhile.


Educator Retreat Facilitator


Sally Koering Zimney

Lead Retreat Facilitator – Educator Retreats

On an Educator Retreat, teachers get to laugh and talk together, recognize, validate and appreciate each other. I am honored to be a part of something so positive.

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