The Character Movement

Youth Frontiers' New Year's Resolution

Our New Year’s Resolution

The holidays are a special time of year. We get a break from our daily work to connect with family and friends and to celebrate the year as it comes to a close. We also have the opportunity to gaze ahead, to dream, to be inspired and to resolve our goals amid the new year’s unknown opportunities.

At Youth Frontiers, we kicked off the holiday season with a “holiday, holiday party” (pictured above). Our staff and guests dressed up as their favorite holiday from Mardi Gras to Zombie Christmas to “Labor” Day last week. This twist on tradition afforded us freedom and creativity in choosing who we were for that night and allowed us to see our coworkers in a different, and admittedly silly, light.

We’ve made it our goal this year to see others more completely. We encourage and challenge you to make it your resolution to enter 2017 with fresh eyes wide open, ready to take in your family, friends, coworkers, community, state, nation and world more completely. May it be a kind, respectful and happy new year!

If you want other ideas for resolutions, sign up for our weekly Character Challenge

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