The Character Movement

Teachers are torch-bearers of the future

By Joe Cavanaugh, Founder & CEO

You, Educators, are the best of us. It has been said, “In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone could have.”

At times this may be difficult to remember. I share these thoughts to remind you that your purpose matters.

In outward-focused services, we can all forget to pause and see ourselves fully. We expend much energy and emotion for students and can often neglect to take time to care for ourselves and our peers.

At Youth Frontiers, we recognize how you give of yourselves, and we want to strengthen our support of educators. It is our dream and our aim to expand our mission to fill that need. Over the next decade, we will be developing retreats, conferences and events – like our recent Teacher Concert and our upcoming Mind Conference in May – to further honor, renew, connect and support you in your critical work. We are calling it Teacher Frontiers.

You – who are dedicated to educating our children daily – inspire tomorrow’s leaders to live with character. You, Educators, are torch-bearers of the future, shedding light in your classrooms and communities.

I hope you’ll allow our missions at both Youth Frontiers and Teacher Frontiers to support you. Know that we see you and thank you for what you do every day in the trenches of your classrooms and offices and gyms and lunchrooms to care for and to educate our most precious resource, our children.



Along with our Teacher Concert and Mind Conference, Teacher Frontiers offers the following retreats for educators:

THE HONOR RETREAT  is a community-building experience that fosters relational trust by transforming school staff into a cohesive team that values and honors each other and the mission of their school.

THE PURPOSE RETREAT is a reflective retreat to help educators rediscover the motivation that led them to education, leaving them renewed and recommitted to their vocation and their students’ success.

THE MIND RETREAT is a workshop designed with Dr. David Walsh’s Mind Positive Parenting™ that focuses on sharing trusted classroom practices and teaching staff how to build relationships that boost student achievement.

I had the amazing opportunity to participate in one of your Educator Retreats. Our facilitators were engaging and motivating in a way that had even the most resistant of our team members laughing, dancing and playing along. Thank you for the work you all do. Thank you for energizing and empowering people to be more. Thank you for opening my heart to being more than I thought I could be.

– Educator, West Allis Central, Wisconsin

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